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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

on and off the ARCHIVELOG mode

1. Turning on ARCHIVELOG mode:

We consider a database that is not in ARCHIVELOG mode and also automatic archival is not enabled. To see the status of the database we can use of the following SQL commands:
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;

SQL> show parameter log_archive_start
—————– ——- —–
log_archive_start boolean FALSE
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination /archivelog
Oldest online log sequence 7193
Current log sequence 7194

We can bring this database to ARCHIVELOG mode by using the following SQL commands:
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup mount exclusive;
SQL> alter database archivelog;
SQL> alter database open;

Now we can see that this database is in ARCHIVELOG mode:
SQL> select log_mode from v$database;
But automatic archival is disabled yet and DBA must do manual archival by commands like the followings:
SQL> alter system archive log current;
SQL> alter system archive log all;

For enabling automatic archival we can use the following SQL commands:
SQL> alter system archive log start;

SQL> archive log start;
Now we can see that automatic archival is enabled:
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /archivelog
Oldest online log sequence 7194
Next log sequence to archive 7195
Current log sequence 7195

But this solution is not permanent and automatic archival will be disabled again after restarting the database; so for permanent change we must set parameter ‘log_archive_start’ to ‘TRUE’:
SQL> alter system set log_archive_start=TRUE scope=spfile;

And then restart the database.
Now the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode and also automatic archival is enabled.
Note1: We must take baseline backup right after enabling ARCHIVELOG mode.
Note2: After enabling ARCHIVELOG mode, it is better if we set the following init.ora parameters: log_archive_dest, log_archive_dest_1, log_archive_format.
2. Turning off ARCHIVELOG mode:

To see the status of the database we can use of the following SQL commands:
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode Archive Mode
Automatic archival Enabled
Archive destination /archivelog
Oldest online log sequence 7194
Next log sequence to archive 7195
Current log sequence 7195

To disabling ARCHIVELOG mode we must run the following commands:
SQL> alter system set log_archive_start=False scope=spfile;
SQL> create pfile from spfile;
SQL> shutdown immediate;

SQL> startup mount excluseve;
SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
SQL> alter database open;

Now we can check the status of ARCHIVELOG mode:
SQL> archive log list;
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination /archivelog
Oldest online log sequence 7194
Current log sequence 7195

Note1: After disabling ARCHIVELOG mode, all the un backed up archived log files are unusable and can be deleted.

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